There's something deeply magical about the last week of December. I like to think of it as the in-between, where each day blurs into the next. There's a chaos and an optimism lingering in the air, and you get to be intentional about what you want to leave behind and what you want to carry forward into the new year.Intentionality has been my personal theme for 2024. As a working parent, my time is thin. And it is only in my 36th year of life, where I have finally got comfortable with saying no, in an effort to be more intentional with the limited time I have. 2024 has been a year of quality over quantity, and this is certainly something I will carry forward into the new year and encourage everyone reading this to practice. It is only when you are intentional with what and who you spend your time on, that you can create a life that feels wholesome and aligned to your values. 2024 has been a profoundly transformative year. Taking the company to new heights through record revenue, record customer orders and opening a second office in a new location, alongside my youngest child starting big school, moving into a house I have spent 3.5 years building and pushing towards my personal 2024 goal of reaching my pre-baby weight have pushed me at times to the brink of burn-out. But there are no real successes that exist within the scope of your comfort zone. And if I have learned anything this year, it is that when you are growing, it is going to cost you your comfort. Every time you level up, both personally and professionally, you are tested with a new set of challenges. I think a lot of us struggle with this, because we are sold the idea that we are here to simply achieve happiness, when in actuality, we are simply here to grow.Every year, I try and think of a word I want to master in the year ahead, and my word for 2025 is Present. Being present is truly one of the biggest acts of love you can give. When you sit with someone, and truly listen, you are saying to them, that right now in this moment, there is nothing more important in the world than you - and I don't think there is an act more beautiful than that. In a world where our attention is our greatest commodity, let that commodity be placed on the people you love the most. I've decided in 2025, to put my phone away more and to be as passionate about listening as I am about being heard. Over the next few days, I'll be spending lots of time at home on the sofa, drinking tea with my loved ones, watching rom-coms, and gearing up for what I know will be Little IA's biggest year to date. I want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for your support, love, encouragement, and custom. I never take a single order for granted, and it blows my mind how this dream of ours has become a staple in so many homes. Wishing you all a 2025 filled with good health, endless laughter, deep rest, purpose and great joy.With love,Roshni